The voters find themselves wondering why they must retire at 67 now. The answer is that their governments are broke because they spent all the money giving free stuff to the underclass. You will work until you die and you voted for it, you imbeciles.
Pro-diversity Russia insists on blaming Ukraine instead of the actual likely suspects. In the meantime, the bungled response to this terror attack makes it clear that Russia is coming apart again. Maybe the stupid proles will realize that their last chance at a good life was under the aristocrats.
A whole lot of parasites would get vaporized, and then the new government would roll back the benefits.
It eroded because brown, tan, black, red, and yellow people unite against anything that fair-skinned people do to stop the third world takeover. No one cares that Israel is smoking the people who have supported terrorism for years. They just want revenge on those who have risen above the mediocre human norm.
Free healthcare means that you get to drive yourself to the ER so that some sweaty basement grub can get HRT.
They continue in the spirit of affirmative action, knowing that no matter what they do it will never be enough and it will also erode their competence and raise costs, all of which are passed directly on to the customers.
Watch a ton of porn and soon nothing will stimulate you but rape, pedophilia, or transgenderism.
Anything which talks honestly about race, class, sex, ethnicity, religion, or character is “racist,” and the only antidote is more movies with struggle sessions.
They’re not insane; we are insane. Any sane society would round up retards, criminals, and the insane and sterilize them or exterminate them.
The subsidies keep rolling and yet equality is like Utopia, unattainable because it is nonexistent.
I have to agree with the far-Leftists here: decriminalize, do not legalize or criminalize. Let people make their own decisions and inherit the consequences. That includes Ivermectin.
Loneliness is about feeling a lack of understanding, and therefore, a profound irrelevance. Who cares if you live or die when you have no culture to give you context? Diversity is murder.
Peasants with money spend it destructively, whether that is Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Hoffman, Sam Altman, George Soros, Warren Buffet, or McKenzie Bezos.
The Cold War ended because people were finally honest about how miserable, incompetent, and corrupt the Communist states were.
With immigration being the top issue, this means that Regime Change is coming. Democracy has failed.
Life in America would be better if they shut it down permanently.
Some people oppose the grooming of children, but the Leftist political Establishment will not listen.
Carter II wants to please the cosmopolitan intellectuals even if he leaves a permanent malaise in his wake. The Irish cannot govern like the WASPs did.
In order to defend diversity, governments have moved from counter-terrorism to counter-populism.
Just like in the 1800s, immigration means erasure of culture and rise of political machines, so people want national populations in order to assert culture against the void.
They blame microplastics, but most likely interrupted microbiome caused by contact with foreign ethnicities is to blame.
Conversion therapy apparently is the insane idea that you can turn a homosexual into a heterosexual. As a biological determinist, to me it makes sense that they were mostly born that way and some were molested into being that way, but in any case, there is no coming back from it. Natural selection says we promote the good (productive, creative, diligent, aggressive), remove the bad (insane, retarded, criminal, promiscuous), and leave everyone else alone and accept them as they are. Some homosexuals will be removed for excessive behavior but most just want to be quietly homosexual and have decent lives. Leave them alone, Christians and conservatives. Your job is not to “fix” people but to fix systems, such as bringing natural selection back instead of its opposite egalitarianism.
More renaming, in this case replacing a human name with an Irish one because the human endorsed eugenics. Anyone sane supports eugenics. If you remove the insane, retarded, criminal, and promiscuous your society rises in average IQ and prospects. Of course, if we applied Western standards to the world we would end up with a half-billion people and zero environmental crisis… well that’s a thought.
I remember Europeans in the 1990s bragging about their cradle-to-grave benefits. Conservatives pointed out that this was socialism and would do what socialism always does, which is reverse natural selection. The proles assured us that we were just ignorant. Now Europe has made itself extinct through high taxes to pay for those benefits. It is natural selection.
Censorship is always adopted under the excuse of protecting the weak, and later, to protecting the state because it protects the weak. Diversity will bring the same laws here and your politicians will support them because they want to be seen as defending the weak. This is how egalitarianism eats societies alive.
And they are laying the groundwork for those censorship laws. Anti-authority narratives are advancing because under Leftists the authorities have become incompetent. This was allowed because they filtered out anyone who said the truth about race, ethnicity, class, and socialism. As a result, your societies are in a terminal spin of Leftist benefits raising costs, but you morons voted for this and thought you were clever for doing it. Democracy is obsolete.
EU bureaucrats have become entarded, meaning that by following precedent based in illusion (equality) they have made themselves both stupid and insane, and now want to integrate more diversity into NATO instead of making it a defender of Western Europe. They consider themselves very clever for doing this because someone else will have to clean up the mess, and they will still get their six-figure salaries and seven-figure honoraria and board memberships. So clever!
Southern European Asiatics bond with the Asian side of their mixed-race genetic boggle.
Communism still cannot feed its people.
Democrats have managed to appeal to their base of diversity and single women, but they are losing independents who just want stuff to work.
The media, like academia, filtered out anyone “controversial” long ago through a process known as Political Correctness. That means that only raving Leftists have influence in the media. To get past PC, we have to talk about race and class.
Apparently elephant hunting is an important industry in Botswana, and the British ban on ivory is hurting them. Both sides have a point here.
Trump will abolish the “fourth branch of government,” the administrative state. If he gets rid of political correctness, affirmative action, disparate impact, wealth transfer, and other Leftist means of destruction, then America has a chance, but he is going to have to repatriate forty years worth of illegals and their offspring.
Reparations make sense in order to compensate for past suffering, but that suffering continues unless we abolish diversity, so reparations-with-repatriation is the future. Marcus Garvey, Malcom X, and W.E.B. DuBois would approve.
They actually mentioned overpopulation? This means the climate change mania is fading and more people are looking at the real cause of The Ecocide.
Tags: diversitywatch, news