
Furthest Right

DiversityWatch (December 11, 2023)


  • 50% of young Americans think the Holocaust may be a ‘myth’

    This article calls for censorship of the Left just like they censored the Right, which is moronic, since censorship only becomes weaponized. The kings were leery of it and would censor those who attacked them, but leave alone the free expression of non-defamatory thought i.e. that which did not attack people directly and instead issued a general opinion about policy. The big point here is that the Left has endorsed Holocaust revisionism because they hate The Jews for being a wealthy, intelligent, and first-world population; the Right embraced Holocaust revisionism because it was used as a guiltweapon against ethno-nationalism/monoethnicism. In reality, the Holocaust happened through putting Jews in concentration camps and was as bad as the deaths in British camps in the Boer War, Soviet WW2 camps, Japanese WW2 camps, and some American camps like Andersonville. There were also weird science experiments, open-pit executions by partisans and barn burnings, as well as events like Kristalnacht which were designed to drive Jews out of Germany and generally succeeded. The big point to take away is that diversity brings genocide and no amount of guiltweaponry can stop that. The same people screaming about Israeli “genocide” of the “Palestinians” want Whites dead and the core of Europe neutralized through outbreeding.

  • The Math for Buying a Home No Longer Works. These Charts Show You Why.

    As we have said here before, constantly adding new immigrants to a society keeps wages lower and raises house prices because increased demand raises prices, in addition to price raises created by high taxes, excessive regulation, lawsuit grifting, and affirmative action.

  • Oxford Scholars Betray Their Vocation To Vilify Israel

    No offense, Mr Berkowitz, while I enjoy your writing, where were you when they were doing this to Whites? They vilified all of us as ignorant rednecks who never did anything for the world and existed merely to harm non-White people. What happened here was that Jews got introduced to the victimhood color bar. Whoever is the biggest victim wins; this is the nation of egalitarianism, which invariably and inevitably takes from the productive to give to the unproductive because this creates an effect of “equality” without addressing the cause of inequality, namely IQ differences. Jews were top victim until the Clintons mainstreamed non-Caucasian diversity, at which point the poorer, browner, and lower-IQ won out, so the Ivy League is siding with its new audience. You could have stopped this by defending Whites; did you?

  • Is Claudine Gay a Plagiarist?

    You would not choose someone for a position solely because they were White; you would also want them to be competent. Leftists cannot handle this complexity so they insist that if someone who is non-White was not chosen, it must be because of his race, which forces companies to hire minorities who are incapable. Education does the same thing, ignoring faults and inflating grades so that we get that United Colors of Benetton photo at graduation. The problem of affirmative action plagiarism has been known for a long time, as the story of Martin Luther King Jr attests.

  • Student who sued professional body for psychotherapists after he was thrown off his course for expressing gender critical views reaches settlement in discrimination case

    Science debunked itself during the COVID-19 panic for the same reason that the Catholic church did before the Reformation: any institution will be taken over by humans with agendas and then used to promote those agendas under the strength of its brand. This is no different than how big corporations buy up smaller ones, then cut corners in order to profit from all of the dummies still buying the old brand for its presumed quality. This kind of “bait and switch” is common because reputation and goodwill make an organization or brand into a valuable property, but it also kills the faith people have in that organization or brand. When science bent to politics in order to endorse the egalitarian agenda regarding transsexualism, it further destroyed itself, and was used to implement the usual totalitarian agenda, which is anarchy with warlords who give out favors in exchange for loyalty. Saying that nature made two sexes and anything else is a biological error or natural selection event remains unpopular, but the pendulum is swinging back now that the egalitarians as usual have crippled things we need to survive.

  • Most Americans back Israel in Hamas war, Democrats deeply divided: poll

    This division exists solely because of diversity. White people see a country that was attacked with rape, mutilation, and murder retaliating against its enemies; the global third world views this as a case of “social justice” meaning that whoever has more should give it to those who have less. As has been said before around here, WW3 will be a battle between the third world and the first world, made possible by globalism and the incessant and unvarying desire of neurotics to promote world egalitarianism as a form of pacifist utilitarianism, seeing our problem as conflict (effect) and not IQ differences (cause).

  • Teacher jailed indefinitely for refusing to ‘call a boy a girl’: Enoch Burke who wouldn’t use trans pupil’s pronouns won’t be released until he stays away from his old school – and the ‘country is behind him’

    When we talk here about the battle between symbolism and realism, we refer to events like this, where the symbolic need for equality outweighs noticing plain reality and the uselessness of destroying things that most ordinary people need to cater to a very small minority with recognition and pandering that will not help them in what really ails them. The symbolists want a human-only world, formed of individualism and collectivism, in order to avoid the mysteries and fears they face; the realists want to face those fears, accept our relative insignificance compared to nature, and move forward with what works most of the time for most of the people. Humanity is at a crossroads and will have to choose one or the other, despite the former being popular and the latter unpopular. This is why you need kings, caste, eugenics, and the Gods of the Copybook Headings instead of letting the Crowd determine what is “real” based on what does not threaten them.

  • Taxpayers Underwrite the Government-Union Scheme

    As soon as you get civil rights, you no longer live in capitalism, but a government-mediated environment where cozy little relationships called regulatory capture spring up everywhere, comprised of feedback loops that resemble kickbacks by all parties buying the products of the other. In this case, government allows unions to wreck industry because unions donate some of the money back to the candidates who run the deep state. The same seems to be true of its relationship with Big Tech, the media, and the military-industrial complex: government approves spending so that it can get its “ten percent for the Big Guy,” but it flows mostly to Leftist politicians who want to expand government.

  • Border Patrol Sector Chiefs Say Migrants Know They will be Released in U.S. Fueling Immigration Crisis

    Someone — clever NGOs and international organizations — has been advising these migrants and giving them money to make the trip. The Clintons view this as a smart move, since this way, the Left stays in power forever and the kickbacks continue, but efficiency declines and so over time, they will convert a first-world nation into a third-world one.

  • To DIE For: “More Blacks Than Asians Think A Declining White Share Is Bad”

    As we have said here before, the Right focuses on Blacks and Jews — fighting the wars of yesterday not of tomorrow, as usual and common for humanity — and misses the point that we are most likely to be replaced by Asians including their colonial offspring, Hispanics, who are Mongolian in heritage.

  • Chinese-affiliated hacking groups infiltrated critical American infrastructure, including Hawaii water utility and at least one oil and gas pipeline, US officials say

    The Asiatics love their long slow chess games, even though these are unrealistically simplified and end up missing unintended consequences, which is why their plans always end in third-world poverty. Their chess game is to weaken the West with diversity, elect China-friendly politicians like Joe Biden, and then assault us with simultaneous failures in industry and social order to crash our industry so that we pull back and give them beachheads across Europe and Asia. Then, the next phase of the Asiatic plan begins.

  • Seattle student failed quiz for saying men can’t get pregnant

    As we have said here many times, symbolism is a replacement for reality, which means that over time it becomes anti-realistic or outright in denial of what is real, always on a “moral” basis that prioritizes human preferences over observable results over time to similar fact patterns. At this point, claiming that the biology which produced us is more significant than our moral and ideological leanings will get you drummed out of the system. The craziness of humanity took over again, and the conservatives failed to resist it while the Left endorsed it.

  • Another Wrong Way to Measure Poverty

    If you do not measure the benefits from the social welfare state, it seems like many are in poverty, but when you take into account the various free stuff from government (FSG), it turns out that only 2.5% of the population are impoverished. If you drop all the welfare state stuff, only 14% are in poverty, and most of those will be so by choice and really need lower rents so they can enjoy the maximal freedom of their poverty.

  • Hunter Biden charges indict Biden’s Justice Department too

    Bill Clinton figured out how to weaponize the diversity vote after Carter lost the plot and Reagan disrupted the welfare state; the Clinton answer was to increase the welfare state indirectly while cutting some of the direct benefits. In the process, they took over the DOJ, which has been run by the permanent bureaucracy ever since, which explains numerous dubious lawfare suits and actions against Trump while the Biden family has been (literally) running around smoking crack and buying underage hoors.

  • Mass Migration Cost The Netherlands Nearly Half A Trillion Dollars Between 1995 and 2019

    Democracy like a badly-run business resembles a runaway train: popular ideas never get changed, only doubled-down on, which means that when someone makes a mistake but someone likes that mistake, the mistake not only persists but amplifies itself.

  • KDPS identifies man in photos linked to vandalism

    Chinese man draws swastikas and writes inflammatory racial speech, then vanishes, since he has no ties to the local area. Absolutely no one seems to wonder where all these fake hate crimes come from or who wants the racial division to persist, despite Chinese and Soviet propaganda from the 1950s-1990s which heavily used images of the KKK and tried to appeal to Black Americans to rise up and overthrow their White masters.

  • ‘Dirty voter rolls’ slammed, 131% of eligible DC voters registered

    As usual the Democrats redirected any terms into categories which fit the Leftist meaning but not that of the rest of us. They claimed it was a secure election, which may have been true as far as the control they did have, but they neglected to mention the widespread mail-in vote fraud arising from phantom citizens and vulnerable people bribed into signing away their ballots.

  • France’s new immigration bill sparks widespread protests

    Migrants and refugees — illegal and legal aliens — seem to be protesting this new bill because it impedes The Big Takeover because France realized that not only are the new residents not generating the promised tax revenue, but they are a net drain that it now doubly cannot afford.

  • ‘Brutal acceleration of immigration’ – France’s ‘historic collapse’ in PISA academic ratings tied to exploding foreign population, 40% of those under age of 4 are immigrants or of immigrant origin

    Egalitarianism drugs people into thinking that men can give birth and that IQ is not genetic, therefore they assume that they can bring in warm bodies and “educate” them into being just like the people they replace. Reality says that these groups have zero interest in that future and cannot replicate the higher-IQ groups they are displacing anyway, but now as average IQ plummets in France, educational results are revealing with the race realists and genetic determinists said all along.

  • South Africa as It Really Is

    It turns out apartheid was there for a reason, but an even better solution is conscious decoupling from the third world. All of us face the abyss of the third world taking over in any place that has been foolish and reality-denying enough to adopt diversity as a program.

  • Australia to halve immigration intake, toughen English test for students

    Terrified to abandon failing diversity because that would repudiate equality as a concept, the bureaucrats hope to raise costs for migrants and fail more of them to keep numbers low.

  • New Zealand smoking ban: Māori mourn loss of hard-won smoking reform

    What is “racist” today? Looks like cigarettes in New Zealand since there is presumed disparate impact among minority communities.

  • Major changes to US immigration policy are under discussion. What are they and what could they mean?

    The Left is willing to negotiate removal of part of the crisis that they created in exchange for more money for Ukraine and Israel. While it makes sense to support Ukraine and Israel, we should fix our own house first and end illegal immigration, then take a hard look at diversity since it has succeeded nowhere and brought about South Africa, Kosovo, and Northern Ireland style social chaos everywhere it has been tried. Diversity is genocide.

  • Smugglers are bringing migrants to a remote Arizona border crossing, overwhelming US agents

    Just like in the War on Some Drugs, halfway rules get us nowhere. As long as we let them in and give them benefits, they will come, and pay smugglers the cost of a small car to get them here.

  • At 75, UN human rights declaration presents challenge to Germany

    Human rights, like civil rights in the USA, was the weapon designed to dispossess Whites. As it turns out, it has backfired, since now many groups who hate each other reside within the same borders.

  • Germany: Far-right group rallies against refugee housing plan

    As Israel gets accused of genocide, Russia takes Ukraine, diversity eats South Africa, and the guardians of democracy in the USA have trouble with vote fraud, far-Right parties are rising in Europe, the UK, and the Americans in response to the diversity crisis touched off by rampant immigration.

  • New Jersey man Edward Mathews who screamed racial slurs at his black neighbors is jailed for EIGHT YEARS after shocking video of his abusive rant went viral: Felon sobbed as he apologized for terrorizing victims

    As it turns out, the cure is worse than the disease. Diversity everywhere results in the same types of conflict. We are destroying lives for our pretense of equality and unity.

  • Tyla: South African singer’s racial identity sparks culture war

    Even after the legitimization of the great melting pot, people of mixed ethnic heritage find themselves on the outside. When you abolish ethnicity, race takes over; when you abolish race, class takes over, and you get the kind of malignant social separation that afflicts most of the third world.

  • Federal judge prohibits separating migrant families at US border for 8 years

    Separating families bad, destroying nation good, says this federal judge, but we all recognize this for what it is: tactics. Leftists like to tie down as many of your limbs as possible and then demand you “do something!!1!” that obviously cannot be accomplished. Then nothing happens, which pleases them because they are the party of decay.

  • Now Texas Gov. Greg Abbott installs anti-climb walls along the US-Mexico border at Brownsville: Eight-foot gates are strung together and wrapped in razor wire to stop migrants from illegally crossing

    The first battle between the states was fought over textiles, with slavery being the touchstone issue; the next will be fought over White survival, with immigration — and the refusal of the federal government to enforce it — serving as the tinderbox.



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