
Furthest Right

Diversity Is Our Strength (DIOS)

We learned all about adult predators as kids. If they were at church, they offered treats in the vestry. If at school, they wanted you to stay late to see their collection of signed baseball memorabilia. Mom’s new boyfriend offered warm Milwaukee’s Best. On the street, they pulled up in panel vans promising candy.

Learning to recognize lures requires accepting TANSTAAFL — There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch — and the fact of life that anything offered comes with a quid pro quo if not outright predation. Take the free candy, kid, and you will not be walking normally for a week or sitting without pain. But, hey, free candy.

The same is true of the talisman-scapegoat dichotomy. The talisman is the free candy in the panel van; the scapegoat is whatever (1) keeps you from getting the free candy in the panel van and (2) what you will blame when the free candy comes at a high price.

The term diversity is our strength originates in an old Dan Quayle speech on family values:

From the perspective of many Japanese, the ethnic diversity of our culture is a weakness compared to their homogeneous society. I begged to differ with my hosts. I explained that our diversity is our strength. And I explained that the immigrants who come to our shores have made, and continue to make, vast contributions to our culture and our economy.

It is wrong to imply that the Los Angeles riots were an inevitable outcome of our diversified society.

After that point in 1992, saying “diversity is our strength” (DIOS) became a standard opener in American speeches. We were projecting what we hoped was true because we did not in our inner selves believe it was true, even though for social and political purposes we had to on the surface convince ourselves that it was.

That surface convincing was a feature of Political Correctness, which took over sometime during the Clinton years following the LA Riots, simply because people were so afraid that they figured that if they banished mention of how diversity was leading us on an inexorable path to third world decline, we could make it work somehow.

DIOS however failed to pan out. Thirty years later, there is no shortage of scapegoats: the internet, the superwealthy, white supremacists, industrialization, Christianity, climate change, “racism,” etc but diversity is no closer to working; in fact, the problems have intensified while the promised benefits have not appeared.

Even worse, our mixed economy liberal democracy (MELD) societies have become entirely dependent on diversity for a labor source, a third world dumping ground for our waste, and outsourcing/offshoring of jobs that our unions, regulations, and taxes (URT) have made too expensive to do at home.

It makes sense when you listen to other people to apply the law of projection. If they have to tell you something, that means it is not obvious, which often means that you are simply hearing projection and not fact. In the case of DIOS, time has proven that projection and fact on this issue are two entirely different worlds.

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