
Furthest Right

Boomer Doomer

Why do people hate the Baby Boomers? Tangibly, they were the generation that received the benefits of the postwar boom, then soaked up the government aid, and when they failed to reproduce at replacement rate because of their sexual liberation, created a tax revenue crash that “required” diversity to solve.

More likely the wider resentment has to do with the Boomer attitude: they are contrarians to the core who deny whatever brings health and embrace whatever brings decay, simply because this allows them to continue their solipsistic individualism as a way of life.

The Boomers are doomed by their own pathology. To exist without a goal or aspirations higher than the self is to condemn oneself to a prison of the ego, which results in an aimless life. At some point, the distractions wear thin, the luxuries are not comforting, and the indulgence in appetites becomes repetitive.

Boomers exhibit a typical ironist contrarian pathology: they reject everything but what they want. What they want is symbolic, designed to manage their mental state into a comforting outlook. Anything else threatens their fragile worldview, so they want to censor, ban, or otherwise eliminate it.

They embrace the means-over-ends pathology which seeks to stop people from using certain methods — strong power, death penalty, fist fighting — in order to ensure “peace” and therefore keep the mental state of Boomers in a comfort zone.

This contrasts natural leadership, which simply rewards that which achieves something good and punishes that which achieves something bad, leaving everyone else alone. Basically, hire the competent, remove the criminal, and do not reward the merely incompetent.

Leftists, Boomers, bureaucracies, and organized religions tend toward manipulation instead, which is achieved by approving of only some methods because using those shapes thought in the way the manipulator wants. For example, enforcing pacifism keeps inertia in power and shifts society toward decay.

Boomers — like all individualists, egotists, solipsists, narcissists, and others in the grips of hubris (egotism outside natural order) — like civilization decay. It destroys anything that might compete with their own appetites, feelings, judgments, and desires. It keeps their mental state of individualistic comfort intact.

This comes from the contrarianism inherent in the mindset of those who are reacting to too much civilization around them. Too many rules, taxes, red tape, social conventions, formalities, ceremonies, special words, precious symbols, sacred cows, and other “approved methods” thinking prompts retaliation in the form of negative approved methods.

That is, what unifies the Boomers is that they reject large parts of what society accepts, and they do this so that the Boomers can be individualistic without restrictions on their appetites and desires. Part of this rejection is totally legitimate, but then it becomes a pathology like the rule-making was in the first place.

In short, Boomers are mirroring civilization back at itself, with a middle finger and selfishness as their form of seizing power from the power structure.

Typical Boomer mythologies involve sinister shadowy big government or corporate forces manipulating them. The reality: Boomers (and the Greatest Generation) voted for insane shit, specifically the “free stuff” variety, that broke the market and caused abuses.

Typical Boomer heroes are civil rights activists or journalists who “spoke truth to power” and then “everyone” came together to overthrow the leaders, just like they did in France in 1789. The reality: the people “speaking truth to power” are simply parasites destroying the powerful so that the parasites can take their places.

Boomers will always blame The Establishment, The Rich, and The White so that Boomers can continue to be individualistic. The reality: those groups kept the Boomers from the abyss, but that limited the power of the Boomers to go to key parties and smoke weed while listening to low-grade blues rock, so the Boomers rebelled.

If you want to know why the Boomers are odious, it is because all of them are Robespierres. They are servants of the guillotine who will destroy, destroy, destroy until there is nothing left but themselves and their sacred ideology of rebellion.

The secret to Boomers, as is the case with all of the brats — people subject to too many means-over-ends rules but also too many luxuries — is PEBKAC, an old IT/CS acronym that means Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair. This means that the problem is not the technology, but the end user.

In this case, the end user is the voter, employee, citizen, or other subject of a bureaucracy. Bureaucracies make rules and ignore consequences; the end user experiences the consequences, so he retaliates against the bureaucracy using the methods of the bureaucracy. From that come revolutions and brat behavior like the Boomer tantrum against society.

The solution to Boomers, other than suffocating them with a MyPillow, is to re-orient toward the eternal: transcendental realism. Accept reality as it is, adapt to it, and then accept that we need some goal of intangible excellence toward which to aspire or we become directionless bickering contrarians like the gassable Boomers.

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