
Furthest Right

Mr. President, Tear Down This Pathology


The election of Donald J. Trump reaches to areas beyond politics. It shows a cultural shift against globalism and the farther-Left-than-moderate neoliberalism which drives it. It also shows a population adapting to the diversity agenda of post-WWII by formally adopting identity politics, decoupling self-interest from altruism.

First it makes sense to clarify what the election was not. It was not the election of a radical conservative ideologue. Nor was it a vote of confidence in the conservative parties who first opposed the nomination of Mr. Trump in favor of more moderate, neoconservative candidates. This was a man seizing an opportunity that was undervalued:

But Trump’s win was no fluke. He has been talking about running for president since at least 1988, but never pulled the trigger. This time around, he saw the opportunity and went for it. A shrewd entrepreneur, he saw a vast sea of unhappy voters who wanted fundamental change to the status quo—particularly on trade, immigration, and interminable foreign wars, and he was able to disrupt politics by re-segmenting the political market to serve it.

Over the past thirty years, conservatives have been unwilling to attack the core of Leftism as expressed in its class warfare and diversity programs. Leftists want to create an egalitarian Utopia, and to do this requires mobilizing every person by ideology.

That in turn requires eliminating any competing values systems such as the family, religion, heritage, culture, class and national identity. They are fanatical on this point because Leftism is fundamentally unstable, and so any competing — even non-hostile — belief must be subverted and dominated. Leftism pursues power fanatically because the more Leftism penetrates, the less it can hide the failure of its policies, and needs an army of ideological zombie useful idiots and authoritarian leaders to enforce itself.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, Leftism took a new turn: it decentralized and hid its power so that to an observer, it seemed as if society were sliding inevitably Leftward as a result of Leftist ideas working when in fact they were failing. When Barack Obama said that Angela Merkel was “on the right side of history,” this is the myth he was exploiting.

This Leftward shift occurred invisibly because of the rise of neoliberalism, or the use of market forces to force implementation of Leftist ideas:

Neoliberalism is a kind of statecraft. It means organizing state policies by making them appear as if they are the consequences of depoliticized financial markets. It involves moving power from public institutions to private institutions, and allowing governance to happen through concentrated financial power. Actual open markets for goods and services tend to disappear in neoliberal societies. Financial markets flourish, real markets morph into mass distribution middlemen like Walmart or Amazon.

This definition is my paraphrase of Greta Krippner’s “Capitalizing on Crisis”, a pretty good book about what happened from the 1960s to the 1980s in terms of financial politics. Her thesis is that the liberal democratic system was dismantled because it was too explicit about who was making choices. People would get mad at politicians when they didn’t have, say, mortgage credit, or when the price of milk went up too high. The answer came to be neoliberalism, or creating a veil of financial markets to make all those decisions seem apolitical.

Conservatives were caught unaware by neoliberalism because it seemed as if market forces and social change were driving what were actually changes initiative by government, its NGOs and corporate friends, and supported by the news-entertainment media and its cadre of celebrities who never fail to get out there and echo the narrative.

Neoliberalism began to collapse because of the weakening of media caused by the internet, not so much through greater competition but the loss of revenues from advertising and the tendency for readers to get their news directly through statements from the people involved in an event, posted to social media for the world to see.

This happened simultaneously with a backlash that had been steadily gaining steam since WWII against the erasure of our national cultures by diversity and globalism. As NWO propaganda organ The New York Times tells us, the Trump win was a backlash against multiculturalism and globalization:

The triumph for Mr. Trump, 70, a real estate developer-turned-reality television star with no government experience, was a powerful rejection of the establishment forces that had assembled against him, from the world of business to government, and the consensus they had forged on everything from trade to immigration. The results amounted to a repudiation, not only of Mrs. Clinton, but of President Obama, whose legacy is suddenly imperiled. And it was a decisive demonstration of power by a largely overlooked coalition of mostly blue-collar white and working-class voters who felt that the promise of the United States had slipped their grasp amid decades of globalization and multiculturalism.

Even from this source which is hostile to conservatives, the truth emerges: the Establishment was forcing an agenda of globalization and multiculturalism which was not only not working, but also destroying the lives of ordinary people. Our new elites, who are ideological elites like the Communists, used the markets to deplete the populations of the nations they infested, and used that wealth to put themselves into positions of power.

Mr. Trump did not present an alternative plan to this threat. Instead, he simply proposed that he treat it like any other business question and eliminate that which was not working and replace it with things more likely to work. This provoked an outcry that veered quickly into the absurd and histrionic.

The outcry misses the point: Mr. Trump is not a radical. Even more, he has suggested nothing extreme. What he has said is simply that we should stop stumbling down the path to doom, and his method of doing that is to go back to the type of thinking that a moderate or independent would have found appealing in the 1980s.

People protesting in the streets or wailing about how Trump is “misogynistic,” “racist,” “homophobic” or otherwise evil have missed the point. He is none of these things, but the protesters are so far gone into radical Leftism that they cannot recognize a normal, middle-of-the-road viewpoint when they see it.

This permanently divides our country. On one hand, with have the Historic American Nation (HAN) which generally takes a Trump-style moderate position; on the other, the new Red Guards composed of angry students, alienated single women, ethnic minorities, unsubtle Leftist homosexuals, and other people who totally oppose anything like a normal lifestyle based around the nuclear family, tradition and morality as was the group that built this nation from nothing.

We see the same thing in Europe. Neurotic Leftists and non-natives gather to oppose national culture, religion, identity, history, culture and language. They want to turn every place into the same thing that happens everywhere else: an open air bazaar with no heritage, culture and identity uniting it.

In other words, these are the people of decline. They exist only to further decline. They are incompatible with the natives not because we are bad, or even extreme at all, but because we are not going along with the decline agenda, which is to destroy all normalcy and goodness so that only ideology remains.

The psychology of these people — which, since it occurs without regard for the results it achieves, should instead be called a pathology — is fascinating. They do not feel good about life, and only induce themselves toward feeling good through the sense of power and righteous anger they find in ideology. This is how they bond with one another, all they have in common, and how they feel better about their lives, which are empty not so much through lack of success as lack of any permanent purpose, or bond to life itself. These are rootless, alienated, isolated, lonely, unhappy and ragingly angry people.

When someone pursues power for its own sake, independent of what is right or sensible, and is motivated by an impulse to destroy, this reflects a deep detachment from life. They hate the order of nature and any hierarchy which conflicts with their own desires. This makes them agents of destruction, and by doing so, they serve evil.

Bruce Charlton offers more on the conflict behind the conflict, in which we are battling not just another party but the growth of evil within our civilization:

By this, Trump will be just another mainstream secular Leftist politician – better than his evil, incompetent, warmongering and dementing opponent; but not a positive good.

However, the unleashed forces that brought Trump to power… well they do fill me with both hope and also a dash of optimism!

He expands upon this with a view from the perspective of a member of the Leftist elites/Cathedral in which we can see how their existential despair drives their destructive agenda:

But think of how things are from the perspective of a typical elite Westerner:

You personally regard the universe as a meaningless collection of random events; you regard your own life as a brief interlude between an emergence from chaos and a descent into oblivion.

…How they have rejected marriage and family, how even their best human relationships are little more than temporary and expedient mutual exploitation; how their goals are limited and only possible with self-blinding – how the whole charade is kept going by holidays, treats, drink, drugs, medications, sexual fantasies (and how the reality of these things never remotely matches-up).

How for them life is only about hopes of pleasure and money, fame and status – and an awareness that these never last, and are never enough…And how there is nothing else: this stuff is the whole of life; and the expectation is even worse (unless death and presumed oblivion comes quickly).

The West entered death because of its own success. Its lower orders revolted after its leaders could not stop several unstoppable tragedies whose root really lay in the sudden growth of the West since its superior social order allowed those to survive who otherwise would be unable to.

As in the movie Idiocracy, we see that we get more of what we tolerate. Since we tolerated excessive peasants and fools, we got more of those, and they quickly overwhelmed common sense. In doing so, they created a society which was evil at its core and has been eliminating the good and promoting the bad since.

Events like Viktor Orban in Hungary, Brexit and the election of Donald J. Trump show a gut-level revolt against the steady encroachment of hopelessness in our society. The Crowd is always wrong, and the Crowd desires evil camouflaged in millions of different ways, all aiming at the same result.

This will surprise no one who has spent time among humans. We are self-destructive creatures, prone to spin out of control when our emotions conspire with our tunnel vision oriented perceptions caused by the greater strength of mental impulses about ourselves than knowledge of the world around us. We become solipsistic easily.

Mr. Trump has kicked loose a landslide, as he has created a symbolic barrier to the advancement of the people of destruction, aided by parasitic faux elites who merely want personal profit before they leave to find another place to attack. He represents the West finally working up the courage to confront this evil.

For those of us on the Alt Right, the time has come to refocus. The backlash has become, but most reactions like this peter out when they accept a substitute for total victory. For us, total victory must be achieved, or this evil will eliminate us forever.

With that in mind, the Alt Right needs to look to its roots. Our beliefs are a collection of negations of the building blocks of modernity — equality, sexual liberation, diversity, democracy — but we have never given them the synopsis they truly deserve.

The Alt Right stands against modernity itself.

Modernity is not our technology, which was inevitable since we began making fire, and required only social organization to take hold. Nor is modernity a $current_year range. It is a mentality, and it begins with egalitarianism or the notion of universal inclusion, or that society should be forced to accept the good people along with the bad so that the average individual does not feel threatened by having to live up to a value system, goal, purpose or other restraint on that individual’s whims.

All that we recognize as threats, such as diversity and democracy, are a natural outgrowth of the idea of equality. Equality is the method that evil uses to force acceptance of itself upon our society, and then to take over. Diversity aids equality by abolishing culture, values and standards so that evil is more accepted.

While breaking out the Scotch and cigars over the Trump victory is in order, what we must do now is redouble our efforts and push harder for the end of modernity as a pathology. Our enemies will not rest, so neither can we. Most of humanity wants to tear down what we have built and replace it with disorder, and our only salvation lies in beating them back and then reversing the evil that rots our core.

Below: typical American street scene after Trump election.

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