
Furthest Right

Looking To The Mencken Club And What Lies Beyond

Occasionally I reflect on the craziest things I have ever heard other whites in their twenties say, whether it be in coffee shops, bars, or college campuses. Then again, the Baby Boomers really are not any better. The list gets intense:

  • A Scottish left-anarchist once tried to convince me that the origins of the word “Christian” came from 1850s America, and that it was invented by nativists who were trying to unite Catholics, Baptists, Anglicans, etc. against non-Christian immigrants
  • A Maoist Boomer I knew in Chicago earnestly tried to convince me that there was no other way to describe what went on in America’s prisons than “Hitlerist”
  • A Communist girl I went to college with insisted that the word “nigger” had to be banned because its use directly led to lynchings
  • A Communist professor I had at college who described the TV show Modern Family as “conservative”

The list goes on of course, but who really cares? The point, in short, is that (as we all know) the far majority of people out there who are purportedly smart seem to be completely out of their minds. Aside from reflecting on the incredible stupidity of certain individuals in certain instances, I sometimes daydream about when the last time will be that I have to meet someone above the age of thirteen who:

  • Is white and identifies as Buddhist
  • Thinks money, as in currency, should be abolished and humans should go back to the happy days of subsistence farming while occasionally trading goods for other goods
  • Genuinely believes are people are equal, even in terms of natural beauty, inclination, etc.
  • Wants to tell me how all Republicans are secretly Nazis
  • Wants to tell me that [blank] left-wing totalitarian wasn’t that bad

I could go on and on. Solutions to these problems are of course varied; I am sympathetic to Gregory Hood’s call to burn down the colleges, but that’s a debate for another time. In the short run, I would advocate getting together with like-minded people from time to time, and actually being able to speak your mind. There are different strategies for pushing the boundaries of acceptable discourse in day-to-day social circles, but there really is no substitute for drinking and talking shop in the company of thought-criminals.

Should you agree, you’re in luck, as the H.L. Mencken Club is getting together quite soon in Baltimore (where else?). It will be their seventh gathering, and their list of past speakers is impressive: Charles Murray, Tom Woods, Steve Sailer, Pat Buchanan, Keith Preston, Taki, Henry Harpending, and plenty others. The line-up this year is spectacular as well, with big names like: The Derb, Peter Brimelow, Richard Spencer, Sean Gabb, and Paul Gottfried.

I am sometimes surprised that the club does not get that much attention (though perhaps it is for the best) given that it is more or less the American version of Hans Hoppe’s Property and Freedom Society.

More than the speakers though, is the conversations with other attendees. I have gone before (unfortunately, this year I’m about 4,750 miles away) and had the pleasure of getting to talk with Gilbert Cavanaugh, Scott Locklin, F. Roger Devlin, and James Kalb, among others. It is an opportunity to speak with every stripe of the Unauthorized Right: white nationalists, Catholic authoritarians, race realists, Rothbardian anarchists, paleoconservatives, Dark Enlightenment, etc. To put it another way, it is an opportunity to speak with people who are not retarded, something so rare and precious that it only peaks its head out of the blogosphere and into the realm of hotel ballrooms a few times a year.

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