
Furthest Right

How They Turned Us Into SoyFroots: Sugar Addiction

It takes some effort to discover the ongoing theme of this new century, but so far it seems to be finding out that the modern miracles of the past three centuries are all not only unsustainable, but destructive, in addition to being inferior to the originals.

One such modern miracle has been the carbohydrate-based diet, including lots of sugar. Sadly for us, it turns out that sugar is slowly killing us at such a pace that we can barely detect it:

Excessive fructose consumption is believed to cause addiction like alcohol and other drugs. As such, the new term “fructoholism” refers to the consumption of a substance (fructose) that can cause psychological and physical damage and become a major public health concern, highlighting the seriousness of the excessive consumption of fructose in the pediatric age. Hepatic fructose metabolization leads to hepatic steatosis and progression to fibrosis through mechanisms comparable to alcoholic liver disease, hence the term “fructoholic liver disease.”

In our urge to treat nature as a tool toward our own mental state of security, we have adopted the attitude that there are universal good and bad methods. This leads us to see excessive consumption of animal fats as the same as consumption of any animal fats and to run to fruit and veg instead.

The problem with this outlook is that it denies balance and ecosystem. We need many things in our diets, and if those are out of balance, illness persists. Eating nothing but lard and eating nothing but fruit may end up in the same place because instead of the ingredients being good or bad, the degree of balance measures what is healthy or not.

Our simplistic attitude applies similarly to other issues. We assume that racism is bad, therefore race integration is good. We assume that poverty is bad, therefore subsidies are good. This denies the need for our society to have many parts working together, unequally according to what they are.

As time goes on, we will find that many of our attitudes succumb to this same erroneous analysis. The search for purity in the avoidance of evil leads to a misunderstanding of evil, and therefore adopting it by fleeing from the necessity of balance.

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