
Furthest Right

People hide from modern society

Thousands of rare dolphins and whales have been discovered living near a deep sea channel off the coast of East Timor.

The “hot spot” of marine animals contained many protected species including blue and beaked whales, short-finned pilot whales, melon headed whales and six types of dolphin.

In just one day, as many as 2,000 whales in eight separate pods – each one containing up to 400 mammals – were spotted over a 30-mile stretch of coast.

The Telegraph

Based on my experience with humanity, about 92 out of 100 people buy into the modern illusion. This potent combination of individualism, egoism, narcissism, faith in technology, moral self-righteousness (sorry, “Progressivism”), and negativity renders them unable to see anything other than their own neurotic confusion about values and, in their misery, a need for uplifting/profound/distracting entertainment and pharmaceutical products.

That remaining 8 out of 100 come from varied social origins, although very rarely poverty, and they are not fooled. They know modern society is a death trip. They know it has nowhere to go but down and that actually, it’s a neurotic hell in which we live. They know that people are false and motivated by the basest of desires, yet are excellent at hiding it, and that most people want them to hide it so they can cruise on in oblivion and narcissistic hermetic sealing against reality.

In the dolphin world, that 8 out of 100 have realized that humanity is on a rampage as it races to destroy itself not with nuclear weapons but with overgrowth and disorganization, and so they’ve run out to the center of the ocean to get the hell away until the storm blows over.

Just like in the human world, those 8 out of 100 are living very quietly, trying to stay out of the public focus, earning a living and hiding from the disaster around them, because they know it will eventually blow over, and then they can start a new non-failing civilization.

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