
Furthest Right

They Will Always Hate You

The United Church of Christ wants to talk to you about white privilege:

Recognize that you’re still racist. No matter what.

Sometimes, anti-racist allies talk in an “us vs. them” framework when they discuss race, with the “us” being POC and anti-racist allies and the “them” being racist people. That’s an oversimplification of centuries of racism, and it also avoids one simple truth.White people always benefit from institutionalized racism, no matter how anti-racist your ideologies may be. You can’t disconnect yourself completely from the racism from which you benefit, and recognizing that is a large step in rejecting white privilege.

The woman who wrote this is more of a Leftist than she is African-American. Her message: anyone who rises above the level of mediocrity that is comfortable for the crowd will be destroyed, whether that is economic or political. You will not be forgiven for having won, which will be re-styled as oppression by those who did something silly and lost instead. Revenge, resentment and envy are your future.

Conservatives need to realize that no matter what we do, the Leftist response will be the same, which is to continue the charade of victimhood and self-assertion so they can help themselves to our money.

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