
Furthest Right

Focus On What Is Important

Over at The Woodpile Report, the dominant theme for the future of Right-wing thinking emerges:

In the Middle East every step is a misstep. It can’t be any other way. Personally, it wouldn’t bother me overmuch if the whole place went code red and everyone with a trigger pulled same. Let the purists sob quietly in a corner, I care about America and western civilization, all else is either under suspicion or entertainment.

While the first part of this statement is rhetoric more than reality — nuclear war toxifies the rest of us with radiation, and the middle east must be managed or it becomes an even worse threat, either by itself or in the hands of other wannabe superpowers — the rest is pure gold, a distillation of what the Alt Right and other “original Rightist” types should be thinking.

Revisiting that statement:

I care about America and western civilization, all else is either under suspicion or entertainment.

Restoring Western Civilization is the name of the game. We know it has fallen because at the point where you get Angela Merkel and Barack Obama as leaders, your civilization has gone full retard and can no longer make intelligent decisions. Even more, we know that it has fallen because our people have stopped reproducing at replacement rates, a sure sign that they are miserable.

Even more, we can tell that it has failed because it no longer produces greatness. We have entertainment, not culture, and novelty and trends instead of profundity and continuous tradition in art, literature, philosophy, science and academia. Our governments are just beginning to encounter the pensions-and-benefits bomb that will end them, and our economies are reeling because we have imposed too many costs on them in order to drain money for our expensive social welfare states and diversity programs. There are no sane voices in public because too many things are taboo to say. It is over, and we knew this would happen, because democracy always goes out this way.

More disturbingly, something had to go wrong for us to get to the state where democracy seemed like a good idea. All of our great empires self-destructed, like the Romans and Greeks, and that alone tells us that people were thinking wrongly, maybe looking for what was convenient instead of what was right according to a natural order based on purpose and ability. We grew too fast, produced too many useless people, and then justified ourselves with The Enlightenment,™ after which point the individual was sacrosanct and any idea of cooperation, sacrifice, duty, familial loyalty, spiritual belief and culture was suspect.

In short, Western Civilization has died. This quote comes up every now and again, and seems to fit:

Someone once asked Mahatma Gandhi what he thought of Western civilization. “I think it would be a good idea,” he said.*

We can restore this civilization the way we restore anything else: trim out the dead wood and replace it, fix the structure so it is functional again, then clean it up and nurture it until works again. Like Bob Vila on This Old House, we might choose to tear down the ill-advised additions, put in the old pillars that kept the porch from leaning, and add some improvements if we can.

Forget America. As much as it pains me to say it, America has failed because it was based on a Leftist idea. You cannot have equality and a working society. You need a leadership hierarchy and a caste system. With democracy, you end up with internally divided leadership, which avoids the extremes of broken European rule at the time but compromises to the Left and dissolves in factionalism.

The Constitution is dead. It was a nifty idea that we could limit democracy. Forget it: democracy evolved and worked around it and now we have the exact type of state that our Founders loathed. Forget America as an idea, too; it made sense when it was a colony of Western Europeans, but once we let in other groups it turned into a non-culture, a giant shopping mall that will kill you for not being democratic enough.

This leaves us with Western Civilization. How do we restore it? Five percent of our society are “natural leaders,” or people whose innate competence leads others to rely on them. We need these people to understand what the goal is and then for others to emulate them. Then we need to take over and make changes. Any other methods can be ad hoc because they are not permanent.

When we get to the point where there is a cultural sense of Western European identity, a monarchic system with supporting aristocracy, a caste system whose higher echelons guide culture and consumer products, a resistance to socialism and equality of all kinds, and a sense of purpose again including that beyond this world, then we will be reborn. Until that time, we suffer.

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