
Furthest Right

At What Point Do We Start Blaming Society?

We spend our lives disenchanted with the dysfunction of others, even though we know that many of them are good, deep down. Those who are fully defective can obvious be chucked out on the compost pile, but what about good people doing bad things?

As it becomes more obvious that we are in the grip of a Rome-style civilization collapse, and that we need all hands on deck working against it, it also becomes discernible that most of the dysfunction of good people around us comes from the existential tension of living in a failed society, without a comforting purpose or knowledge of significance beyond the immediate, in which the individual is constantly forced to jump through hoops in order to prove they are worthy of the “gift” of equality.

Your parents, friends and coworkers have good people among them, and the better they are, the more sensitive like fine instruments they are to the situation around them, and thus the more disturbed they are at the living hell in which they find themselves. This induces neurosis and psychological instability.

At some point, we must simply blame society — or rather, the failure thereof — for some of the failings for others, and forgive them for their confusion and horror, and start working instead toward building relationships with them.

Problems can be fixed. Apologies can be issued; bad behavior can be rejected, without rejecting the person as a whole; mixed-race mistake children can be deported; old grudges can be privately aired and concluded between the parties. A love of life commands that we clear out all this garbage and instead work toward what is beautiful.

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