
Furthest Right

When White Culture Was not Demonized

It does not take much exposure to modern media for modern self-respecting whites to be repulsed. Heaped upon us are mediocre productions with poor plots meant to be nothing more than a medium for anti-white and anti-traditionalist propaganda.

Our future changes toward the positive when we demand a renaissance of pre-diversity agitprop era classical quality media. We need this not simply because the propaganda of enemies both internal and external threatens to swamp us, but because the older media was more creative and informative beneath the less-glitzy surface.

For example, consider The Twilight Zone. Produced decades ago, before America was reeling from swift and devastating demographic changes, each episode is an reflection of the values of Western Civilization and an encapsulation of the culture, values, fears, and hopes of the moment when it was made.

Each character is infused with the values of the time, which makes them shine in comparison to modern characters. Of course you see things like civility, politeness, virtue intelligence, dignity, and competence idealized, leaving one feeling utterly repelled by modern drivel polluted  by qualities aimed at the lowest common denominator.

By analyzing individual episodes, one can identify specific ways each episode provides a contrast in quality with what we are being force-fed today. Consider these episodes:

  • “A World of His Own”

    In this episode, an author constantly changes wives by writing about women characters and magically bringing them to life. After he tires of one wife, he makes her disappear by burning the paper. In modern production this would be inexcusable and considered misogyny. However, this episode is well-produced and provides satirical insight into the both the flaws which women bring into relationships and the preferences of men.

  • “The Obsolete Man”

    This episode is a not very subtle analogy of a dystopian future communist America. It is set in a totalitarian environment inspired by the Soviet Union. In it a Christian librarian is sentenced as “obsolete,” meaning he is sentenced to death. The episode portrays the man’s Christianity as stoic and admirable, as a contrast to the way Christianity is mocked and derided in modern productions.

  • “The Jungle”

    This episode lacks political correctness as the protagonist criticizes African superstitions as indicative of weak and ignorant minds.

  • “The Hunt”

    This is a simple episode documenting the death of a country man who finds his way to heaven after his death. It is significant in its portrayal of rural white people. Instead of stereotyping them as hillbillies or rednecks, they are portrayed as good honest excellent folk who are more than deserving of heaven.

  • “Number 12 Looks Just Like You”

    This is a dystopian episode wherein all individuals are forced to change their physical characteristics by surgery to match two prototypes. It accurately predicted and indicated the danger of a future where an elite would force conformity in order to make mindless identical consumers.

  • “Night Call”

    In this episode, a lonely elderly woman begins receiving calls from a dead fiancé whom she psychologically dominated. Before she knows who he is, she tells him to leave her alone in terror. Later she retracts, wanting to speak with him to alleviate her loneliness but he tells her he has always obeyed her, thus leaving her in regretful silence and loneliness. This episode is a critique on domineering women.

There are many other episodes which may not contain elements which so obviously deviate from the modern media narrative. However, in each episode you can see the encapsulation of a healthy Western culture as it was before a war was waged on it.

Vote with your viewing choices. Create an environment which will remind you what we have lost. One of the main ways Western people can remember who we are is by having access to and taking pride in who we were.

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