
Furthest Right

July Fourth

When we were kids, July Fourth was fun. Fireworks! Food! Drunken adults swilling watery beer and wandering around like cartoon characters!

With time, the significance of the holiday becomes apparent. What do you do if you love America, and the heritage American people — ethnic Western European pioneers — but really detest the laws, politics, and botched economic system of this place?

Early Americans held that America would be a “shining city on the hill” (or a “light unto the nations”) to show the world how to live. American exceptionalism held that the rules did not apply to us; we could survive democracy, make a hybrid socialist system, and still be good.

Much greatness came of the original population here. These were people whose ancestors hopped in rickety boats, sailed across a dangerous sea, and braved Indians, disease, famine, and a complete lack of infrastructure to forge a nation.

Like most of Western Europe, this population basically gave up after WW1. Something had gone so wrong that we could win a war and still lose. What was achieved? Nothing but the steady advance of Progress™: more factories, more equality, less land, more useless people.

Future historians will see progress of economic and political types as the same. It is the rise of a Crowd, or group of people within civilization dedicated to shared illusion, and its demand that nature be beaten back so that every member of the crowd can feel good.

The kings understood a fundamental truth of humanity. Most people need only some function they can do well, nice places to live, and a sense that their struggles have meaning. This is achieved by giving them fewer options, not more.

Progress,™ however, wants to grow humanity in quantity not quality. It craves anonymity so that individuals can have their dirty secrets. It is every obsession of the human mind which promises pleasure but delivers the mundane and squalid.

Like all evil, it thrives on this duality. Satan promises power, but does not tell you the price. In a sensible order — social, moral, intellectual, divine — you have a role and you play it. If you demand power, you end up living in a chaotic wasteland as an equal, but there is nothing of value or meaning for you. Just more of the same.

Uniformity is breakdown, and equality starts with the Asiatic idea of wave warfare, where you mobilize a giant group to go rush at the enemy and whoever has the most people wins. Asia celebrated utilitarianism before Western thinkers even touched it, and it made Asia poor and mean.

Equality, conformity, uniformity, and the state of being a “worker” are all the same thing. When civilizations grow, their lower echelons grow the most, and these exhaust and then overwhelm their natural leaders. This creates a bickering mass of selfish monkeys instead of a society.

America exchanged its place under the British for servitude to a government that demands more in taxes, more in ideological conformity, and more in tolerance for dysfunction. We were better off under the kings, even if we had sensible reasons for breaking from the British.

In actuality, we possessed one good reason, which was that it is impossible to administrate a colony from thousands of miles away using sailing ships. Had the radio or the internet existed back then, we would still be a British colony.

Secondarily, we wanted reinvestment, or taking of the wealth of America and placing it back into the American economy, instead of sending it to Britain. Today, we give it to government to shower on the underclass so they buy our consumer junk and keep us all employed.

American exceptionalism has both failed and succeeded. We are not the model of the future, despite some sensible ideas from English, French, and German law compiled in our Constitution; instead, we are a warning.

Democracy is a path to Soviet-style ideology. That leads to tyranny, and then to becoming a third-world grey race wasteland. We need to turn back from this path now if we want there to be any more July Fourths in our future.

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