
Furthest Right


Once upon a time, the notions of Nietzsche made sense: when we threw out God, we lost all sense of value or struggling for truth and sank instead into a hideous mire of nihilism.

As time went on it became clear that nihilism, or the denial of all truths or meanings, was more a refutation of the human demand that any human notion be considered “truth” if someone swore by its importance, than a rejection of the idea that reality exists.

Even further down the line, Nietzsche paled in comparison to everyday experience. To a more seasoned observer, people do not want eternal truths, a God or even eternal life. Most of them despite having some joys secretly detest life and see it as pointless and hope for a true unconsciousness.

Many if not most people relish fatalism, which is denial of any event having meaning and our ability to change outcomes in our lives. They welcome their own obliteration because it absolves them of the burden of caring about the consequences of their actions, or comparing their own lives to what their lives could have been.

This is not much different from the drinking to excess which seems the mark of the modern-day Person of European Descent (POED). We want to obliterate memory, erode awareness and abrade the sensitivity with which we approach questions that may have far-reaching consequences.

Think about being on your deathbed. Other than fear for your own mortality, what are you thinking? Life… mistakes were made. Do those matter, or do they fade away for eternity? If they matter, a horrible realization awaits: we could have done better.

If they fade away, you are “free.” All of life is without effect. No emotional attachment exists, only a brief sense of loss for oneself, which most individuals never really liked anyway. They spent so long hyping it to others, selling it and promoting it that now they’re sick of it.

Fatalism is like a warm place to go where we can forget that we direct the outcomes of our lives. It is denial of the power we hold which conveys escape from blame or regret. When we obliterate the self, we finally are truly free from any cares in the world. Or any meaning.

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