
Furthest Right

Equality Means That Society Owns You

The endless quest to drain the wealth of the nation and spend it on socialist-style social benefits expands in California:

Republicans says budget cuts should be made to fund road maintenance. A failed GOP plan proposed last year would have tapped into cap-and-trade money used to lower greenhouse gas emissions, cut Caltrans positions and eliminated other positions that have been vacant. It identifies other funding sources, but doesn’t specify what programs would be cut if that money was diverted to roads.

Brown said the plan is unrealistic.

“The freeloaders — I’ve had enough of them,” Brown said, adding that the approved tax and fee hikes bring those charges to the level they were 30 years ago if adjusted for inflation.

Human minds are like computers. If you tell them something is true, they will act on that and adjust all data to fit. So when we say that all people are “equal,” and results turn out far from equal, the mob of equal people — each acting individualistically, or with short-term self interest above all else — demands to be made equal.

After all, if they are equal, the only way inequality could come about would be through cheating, theft, or criminality.

In the meantime, the real criminals take office by promising more of the unrealistic goal of equality, at which point they make social programs which then hire more bureaucrats like them. Since the goal is illogical, the results are bad, but people will not let go — they just can’t stop themselves! — of that shining image of equality, so they double down.

Rinse, repeat. Eternally.

Now your money — the result of your work, and your irreplaceable time you sacrificed doing that work — belongs to the herd. They feel that you have stolen money from them, you freeloader, if you demand to keep more of your money and to cut some of the massive socialist welfare, benefits and entitlements programs instead.

California could have cut diversity programs, immigrant aid, free healthcare, welfare, free cell phones, civil rights or any of a few thousand other programs that take from all and give to some. But that is not a winning mental image for the equal voters.

Ever notice that the roads are terrible in most third world countries? The same will be true of the USA: a rotted infrastructure, corrupt politicians and a compliant media presiding over a vast mass of zombies.

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